
About this product


Informally inquiring the mood of my teams, has always been one of my 'management' pillars. That started with some~ish beers at the pubs then I had some official budget for the teams lunch: a revolution for some companies! Though I had a clear picture of the team and desiderata from each individuals, I had no data to back me up when debating with my managers.

Data requested

New country (the USA ), new company ( BMW), I needed official data.

Beyond the data, I was missing the trend on my teams' mood.

I started officially asking my team via a biweekly survey via SurveyMonkey, then I was compiling the results on an Excel Sheet. Patty helped me with the perfect wording! The happiness survey quickly became an happy routine. Discussing with the team of the trend and how to counter any downhill shifting has been fruitful. Furthermore, the chart pinpoint the team's frustration. It becomes a powerful tool to reach out the leadership management.

This product

Why creating a product if SurveyMonkey and Excel work well, you might wonder... Well, first of, for any reasons, I've never been able to get on the same Excel Sheet a bubble chart and the trend. As a user of Strava, I love to see the trend with the 'width' of the spectrum, which also was difficult to get via Excel. Eventually, I guess I missed coding!

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Here it is!
About the author

Wilfried Loche

As a dynamic, highly motivated and technically talented IT professional I have a history of success translating a technical vision into actionable development plans and leading teams to achieve ambitious goals. I am a dedicated, innovative DevOps professional and a hard worker who values diversity. I expect a lot from myself and my team. I bring transparent communication and a good humored, positive attitude to everything I do from leading highly effective development teams to acting as team captain of the Bike to Work event.

I am an innovator who never gives up, fueled by countless cups of tea.

In my most recent role as Scrum Master at BMW Technologies, I created Smile Agile, a tool for measuring team satisfaction to improve retention by identifying emerging trends after each sprint.

As a native of France who lives in Chicago and has worked for Expedia in India, I have an appreciation of different perspectives, respect the value of global collaboration and have an ability to transcend cultural barriers. I have a well-deserved reputation as a tolerant, proactive team leader and an insightful mentor.

Together, we can accomplish more!

I have had the honor of leading some truly exceptional teams, including increasing team productivity 100% over 9 months and accelerating delivery cadence 100% in 6 months at Expedia by creating a positive, highly collaborative environment and modeling a robust work ethic that inspires teams to overachieve goals.


Program Management Engineering Management Software Development iOS Apps Android Apps Mobile Computing Cloud Computing/SaaS Risk Management DevOps Team Leadership Project Management Tools Multicultural Team Leadership Diversity QA, Testing & Documentation Product Vision & Roadmap Agile, Waterfall & Kanban Development Methodology Traffic Management & Analysis Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Leading Onshore & Offshore Teams Development Standards Employee Engagement Employee Retention

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